If you are looking for a web hosting solution for your firm, there are normally a lot of features that you need to look at putting into your requirements. One of the more important features that you want to get right is payment processing. Your firm’s security and profit margin are too important not to make it a large priority.
Here are some things to look for in Payment Processing from your web hosting provider:
Global Coverage:
If you are in e-commerce, chances are that your store is visited by a number of people from countries all over the globe. So when your web hosting provider offers online shopping cart software, they should offer you a number of processors that you can work with that provide you with the ability to accept credit cards from all over the world. It may seem strange if you are from North America, but when you live in countries like Japan, VISA and Mastercard are not the most popular type of cards to have. If you don’t accept the Japanese card JACCS, you could be missing out on a lot of online sales. The situation is similar in other countries around the world.
It may seem strange if you are from North America, but when you live in countries like Japan, VISA and Mastercard are not the most popular type of cards to have. If you don’t accept the Japanese card JACCS, you could be missing out on a lot of online sales.
The situation is similar in other countries around the world.
When you use established companies like 1shoppingcart.com to host your e-commerce website, they offer you around 50 different service providers that can allow you to accept cards from all over the globe. Of course, to get there, you might have to add a few credit card processors to your site so that your clients can choose.
As more and more top websites get hacked and have their client data exposed, it becomes more important for savvy entrepreneurs to find an e-commerce solution that provides them with better coverage than they could get in other places. One way that you can get solid protection is to find a hosting provider that offers PCI compliant security for your transactions.
That should give you the best encryption available. Beyond that, you might think long and hard about adding customers’ credit card numbers to your database.
If you have a system that covers most of the US and nowhere else, for example, why not use Paypal exclusively? If you do, there is almost zero possibility that you will ever lose your client’s credit cards and have to publicly report it.
Profit Margin:
The cost of doing business is the cost of doing business. At the same time, people who notice that their VISA payments are 5% when their clients make a transaction and want a lower price are usually going to be able to find someplace a little less expensive.
If you do 1 million dollars in sales at 2 per cent transaction fee instead of 5 per cent, you can save almost $30,000 over the course of a year, which could help you make one pretty memorable office Christmas party- or you could hire an office worker to help build your business further.
Finding a hosting provider with a solid payment processing program is important for your firm’s security and for the bottom line. If you can find an experienced vendor that offers PCI compliant transactions with a global reach at a competitive price, your company will save time and money.